About Us

Our Background

Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) is the National Standards Body of Sri Lanka, established under the Bureau of Ceylon Standards Act No. 38 of 1964. The Institution functioned under the name of Bureau of Ceylon Standards until the Act was repealed and replaced by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution Act No. 6 of 1984. The Institution now functions under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research and is governed by a Council appointed by the Minister in terms of the above Act.

SLSI by virtue of being the National Standards Body in Sri Lanka is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which is based in Geneva. As members of the ISO, National standards Bodies exchange on reciprocal basis copies of their National standards and is responsible for disseminating information on standards, technical regulations and standards related activities to the community at national level.

Mr. Asanga Ranasinghe


B.Sc. (Hons) Chemistry(Sp) (Colombo), MBA (PIM-SJP), Professional PG, Diploma in Mktg, FCIM(UK), Charted Marketer

Dr. (Mrs) Siddhika G Senaratne

Director General

PhD (UK), BSc (Hons) Chemistry (Sp)

Council Members


To be the premier national organization providing leadership to uplift the quality of life of the nation, through standardization and quality improvement in all sectors of the economy. The organization shall be a model of excellence, having a self-motivating organization culture fulfilling the aspirations of the beneficiaries of its services as well as its employees.


To undertake, promote and facilitate Standardization, Measurement, Quality Assurance and related activities in all sectors of the national economy in order to;

  • Related activities in all sectors of the national economy.
  • Increase productivity and maximize the utilization of resources.
  • Facilitate internal and external trade.
  • Achieve socio-economic development.