Title: Photovoltaic devices : measurement of spectral responsivity of a photovoltaic (pv) device
Scope: Specifies the requirements for the measurement of the spectral responsivity of both linear and non-linear hotovoltaic devices. It is only applicable to singlejunction devices. The spectral responsivity of a photovoltaic device is used in cell development and cell analysis, as it provides a measure of recombination and other processes occurring inside the semiconductor or cell material system. The spectral responsivity of a photovoltaic device is used for the correction of the spectral mismatch if a PV device is calibrated in a setup where the measurement spectrum is different from the reference spectral irradiance data given in IEC 60904-3 and a reference device with a different spectral responsivity to the device under test is used. This procedure is given in IEC 60904-7.