I wanted to acknowledge and confirm that we have received your request to cancel.
Thank you for considering our service, and we hope to have the opportunity to work with you in the future.
Service Request ID:
[SR#{{ str_pad($serviceRequest->id, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) }}]
Service Name:
{{ $serviceRequest->Service->service_name }}
Service Sub Category Name:
{{ $serviceRequest->Service->ServiceSubCategory->service_sub_category_name }}
Service Category Name:
{{ $serviceRequest->Service->ServiceSubCategory->ServiceCategory->service_category_name }}
Delivery Type:
@if ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'SOFT_COPY')
Soft Copy
@elseif ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'HARD_COPY')
Hard Copy
Soft & Hard Copy
Delivery Address:
{{ $serviceRequest->delivery_address }}
Current Status:
@if ($serviceRequest->current_status == 'REQUESTED')
@elseif ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'PROCESSING')
@elseif ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'REQUEST_RESUBMIT')
Request Reubmit
@elseif ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'REJECTED')
@elseif ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'COMPLETED')
@elseif ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'CLIENT_CANCEL')
Client Cancel
@elseif ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'SLSI_CANCEL')
SLSI Cancel
@elseif ($serviceRequest->delivery_type == 'REQUEST_RESUBMITTED')
Request Resubmitted
Created Date & Time:
{{ $serviceRequest->created_at }}
Updated Date & Time:
{{ $serviceRequest->updated_at }}